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Avast! Me hearties, welcome to the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Pirate School.
Use your pirate skills to the test by replacing ordinary school subjects with pirate lessons and explore these activities to find some hidden gems for your young pirate recruits.
They'll learn how to become a pirate with the museum's own resident pirate Grognose Johnny - he's even set some homework activities for the young sea squirts!
Put your pirate skills to the test by replacing your ordinary school subjects with pirate lessons!
Australian National Maritime Museum
Practice your 'pirate speak'!
Write a paragraph using the featured pirate words.
Extra challenge: Try using all the words in less than 4 sentences!
How well do you know your Pirate Captain?
Match the words to the items the Pirate Captain has in the picture.
Tell it to the parrot
Pete the silly pirate parrot has listened to some pirate sentences, but he doesn’t know the difference between two words that sound the same. Help him by circling the correct word.
Do a pirate jig
Practice your pirate dance moves and dance like Grognose Johnny.
Listen to the sea shanty tune for inspiration.
Make a pirate name badge
Create your own distinctive pirate name and then turn it into a pirate name badge.
Make a pirate map
Create a map of your classroom or school playground with a secret hidden treasure – remember, X marks the spot!
Extra challenge: Hide your treasure and challenge someone else to find it using your map.
Count your booty
Count the treasure and solve the pirate puzzle.
Share the loot
See if you can work out how to share the loot between all four of the pirates.
Extra Challenge: Make your own treasure and share it with your pirate crew.
Sail the high seas
Use all of the new facts you’ve learnt about pirates to perform a play set on a pirate ship!