Underwater microbeasts

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They may be small, but only in size! Be amazed by the superpowers of plankton in our ocean science program at the Sea Museum.

Students will discover the beauty and diversity of plankton and their vital role in the marine food web. We’ll catch plankton samples from the wharf and view a microscopic world buzzing with activity, geometric shapes and tiny creatures with alien features.

The program is divided into three parts:

  • An introduction to plankton in our education space. This will include a short video about plankton superpowers and a short discussion about adaptations and food chains using marine specimens.
  • A short walk to the museum’s wharf to catch plankton with a plankton net.
  • Observing plankton under a digital microscope.

Also included

  • Free self-guided access to museum exhibitions and HMAS Vampire outside of the scheduled program times. If you wish to visit any other vessels, please include the details in your booking form.  
  • All groups have a 30-minute recess and safety induction on arrival.  
  • Please indicate in your booking enquiry if you would like to schedule a lunch break during your visit. 
2 students looking at a microscope with a screen


$225 per group of 15 students.  

Free for teachers and supervising adults within the required supervision ratio.

Book with another education program on the same day for $300 per group of 15 students.  

Discounts are available to schools with an ICSEA score of 800 or lower. 


This program is conducted within the main museum building and along the wharves.  

  • There is ramp and lift access to all exhibition spaces within the main museum building.  
  • Wheelchair users can access the wharf with assistance.  
  • This program does not include boarding the vessels.    

Please indicate in your booking enquiry if anyone in your group has additional support needs so that we can ensure everyone has a positive experience at the museum.    


Accessibility for schools

Still have questions?

Read the frequently asked questions to find out more.  

Stay for the whole day!

Book two programs on the same day for a discounted price.

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