Our collections
Discover our rich and diverse collection
Whether you are digging further into story you know or looking to uncover something new, the museum's collections are a great place to start.
When you’re part of our community of supporters, you’re helping to preserve Australia’s history and celebrate our connection to the sea.
It’s with your support that we’re able to engage future generations in conversations about our maritime heritage, who we are as a country and as a people by connecting them with stories, objects, people and places of the past.
Whether you’re an individual, a family foundation, a corporate, or just keen to get involved, you can choose from a number of rewarding ways to support us and join our unique and passionate community.
From time to time the museum publishes books and exhibition catalogues. These are available at the museum and in our online store.
We also publish Signals, the museum's quarterly magazine covering fascinating stories of maritime history, exhibition and events news, behind-the-scenes at the museum, member's updates, volunteer profiles, book reviews and more. A physical copy of the magazine is included in museum membership, or can be purchased from the museum shop.