Chains of Empire - Australian legacies of British slavery

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lack and white photograph on yellowed paper showing a pearling lugger boat with full sail. several people canbe seen onboard

Did slavery ever exist in Australia?

This exhibit explores what happened when Britain abolished slavery across its empire in 1833. Former slave owners were paid compensation to give up their human ‘property’.

But where did they spend this money – and how did they find a new labour force? Many came to the Australian colonies, with enduring consequences for First Nations peoples across the continent.

Explore the journeys and stories of people who had been enslaved – and those who once owned them. Learn about Aboriginal people forced to dive for pearl shell and indentured workers shipped from the Pacific Islands to Australia.

The exhibit invites you to let us know whether you think slavery ever existed in Australia.

Please note that this exhibit may be distressing for some visitors.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that the exhibit includes references to, and images of, ancestors who are deceased.

This exhibit was created through a collaboration between the University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University and the University of Melbourne, with First Nations guidance.