Learn with Blueback
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Dive into Blueback: Sharing the Secrets. This captivating exhibition explores the making of Blueback (a film directed by Robert Connolly and adapted from Tim Winton’s novella of the same name). Be immersed in the story of Abby, a young girl who loves the ocean, befriends a magnificent groper named Blueback and fights to protect the ocean.
In this exhibition, on display at the museum from the 27 October 2023 - 16 June 2024, students augmented their film study analysis of Blueback by interacting with movie props and watching ‘the making of’ footage. Students extended their understanding of marine conservation, develop their ocean literacy and examine the intersection of art and science.
We encourage schools to continue using the online resources in their classrooms, and you can explore film props and material relating to the production of the Blueback model in our collection.
Discussion Questions
Book to film adaptation
In the book, the main character is a boy, Abel. In the movie, the main character is a girl, Abby. Why do you think the director has made this change? Are there any other differences between the book and the film?
Abby’s watercolours (explore in our collection)
Abby captures her love of the ocean in watercolour paintings. She uses these paintings at the Council meeting to help save Longboat Bay. Do you think art and science can work together? Why/why not? How can art and science complement each other?
Look, feel, think: Puppet
Look at the puppet of Blueback. What is your reaction? Do you find Blueback intimidating, gentle, slippery or a combination of all three?
Look at the skin. What do you think it feels like?
Imagine you are one of the actors, what do you think it would be like to swim with a puppet?
Work in pairs: Protest poster and mask
Imagine you are going to the protest to protect Longboat Bay. What would you write on your protest poster?
Online resource - Cool.org
Using the film Blueback and the Cool.org online resources, students learn about marine conservation and develop ocean literacy.
The Cool.org unit of work, “Blueback – Sustainability and the ocean” includes 14 lesson plans, worksheets, additional background information for teachers and required resources lists.
ATOM resource
The ATOM “Blueback Study Guide” is a film study resource package for teachers. It includes inquiry questions, curriculum links and student activities (to be completed individually or in groups). Students complete character studies, research the Western Blue Groper, debate the impacts of tourism, examine cinematic techniques and filmmaking choices, design protest posters and more.
Behind the Scenes
Discover what goes into what goes into creating a life-sized groper puppet, in this interview with Creature Technology Company’s Sonny Tilders who worked on the movie adaptation of Tim Winton’s Blueback.