photo of colourful projection on the side of the museum and navy destroyer at night, with multicoloured reflections on the water.

Reports, policies and plans

Strategic framework

Corporate plan

Download the 2024-25 Corporate plan.

Annual reports

Download and read the museum's annual reports.

APS Census

Privacy policy

As a Commonwealth Government agency, the Museum is obliged to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

All information and images on this website are the copyright of the Australian National Maritime Museum and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the museum.

The privacy of your personal information is important to us and your name, contact details and other information will not be provided to any other person or organisation without your knowledge and consent unless required by law.

Please contact us to update your details if your name, address or phone number changes. You may request that your details are removed from our database and mailing lists at any time.

Download PDF

Photo of an old, metal key on a white background.

Privacy Impact Assessment Register

Under section 15(1) of the Privacy (Australian Government Agencies – Governance) APP Code 2017 (Privacy Code), the museum is required to “maintain a register of the Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) it conducts. An agency must publish the register, or a version of the register, on its website”.

The museum’s PIA Register is shown below.

ID: PIA001
Project Name: Welcome Wall 2.0
Date: 16/1/2019 

2024 - 2027 Disability Inclusion Action Plan

The Australian National Maritime Museum’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2024 – 2027 sets out clear actions to inspire positive change to empower and engage audiences, collaborators, and Museum workers so that all Australians can connect with conversations about the unique role of our waterways and oceans in the past, present and future of this nation shaped by sea.

Download the Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Boy touching a wooden pole, with a glowing orange projection on the pole and in the background.

Reconciliation Action Plan

The museum's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a strategic plan which sets out the museum's commitment to recognise, appreciate and celebrate our country's rich and unique Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander cultures and cultural heritages across every facet of the organisation.

Download the Reconciliation Action Plan

Single block print in black ink printed on white paper. It depicts eight masked men in a canoe. Three are standing, two at the bow and one at stern with five men seated in between. The background is an intricate pattern depicting foliage with a pelican flying near the bow.

Information Publication Plan

The Australian National Maritime Museum’s Information Publication Plan outlines what information the museum proposes to publish, how and to whom the information will be published, and how the requirements of the Freedom Of Information Act are complied with.

The Australian National Maritime Museum (the Museum) is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and it is required to comply with its Information Publication Scheme (IPS) provisions.

Freedom of information

Order a Hard Copy

For a copy of published documents, please contact our Publications Manager:

Phone: +61 2 9298 3777

the cover of the strategic framework document, with text over a water background